A Place For You
Whether you grew up in church, come from a religious family, you haven't been to church for a long time, or you’re just now exploring what you believe — you are welcome here! Our goal at Surge fellowship is to help people find real answers for real life and connect them with others doing the same. If that sounds like you, you’ve found the right place.
Surge is a fellowship and a movement that first started as a quarterly event in 2018. Surge has since then grown into a fellowship and a community.
Fellowship means being a part of a group, a body of people. It is opposed to isolation, solitude, loneliness, and our present-day independent kind of individualism. Of course, it does not stop there because we can be in a crowd of people and even share certain things in common, but still not have fellowship. Being a part of any God's family should be a powerful force in our life. A loving and honest community is where real belonging and, therefore, real transformation happens. Our mission is to lead people who are far or close into a transforming relationship with Jesus.
No one needs a spiritual resume to experience God within our community. No matter where you live, you'll be able to connect with kingdom-minded brothers, sisters, teachers, leaders, speakers who are all excited to get to know you!
No matter who you are or where you’ve been, you’re welcome here. Your journey has a next
step and we’ll help you find it. Our ministries offer many opportunities to study God’s Word and grow friendships. We offer events to help you in your journey.

We Are A Family
